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Age of children (especially babies) and relation to size can be a tricky thing.

I consciously avoided putting on definite ages, because it's so difficult to judge just by age alone. For instance, I had a friend whose son was born the same day as mine. My son was half the other child's size from day one to the teenage years!

The way some patterns get around this is to give an age range, and make the garment somewhat sack-like so that any child can fit into it. I don't like this approach. On smaller babies, you lose the child in a sea of yarn! Much of the appeal of the garment is gone when this happens.

As an example, this  pattern has three size measurements. The first size fitted a friend's baby as large at two months and firm at 10 months, but another child could have worn it to about 15 months. It really depends upon the size of the child.

My suggestion for the baby patterns is to measure the child, and use one of the  sizes allowing some room for growing (this is the one sure thing, a baby will grow!).  It entirely depends on how big the child has grown. It's amazing how big the differences can be in between children of the same age.

As for larger sizes, all suitable tiny patterns will eventually (I hope soon) be made into an older child's pattern and an adult's pattern. They will have to be different patterns, because the proportions change so much with growth that it isn't simply a matter of extending here and there.

I hope that helps. It's worth the extra trouble to measure, as the end result will be a beautifully fitted garment.

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